Homework for 10B


Topics Covered: Building Twitter by Hand


E1: Hooking it together

For this exercise, list the 6 steps required to put together a functioning Rails Application without scaffolding.

E2: Review

  1. To render a form, what controller action performs? What is the corresponding Rake route for this action?
  2. To post to a form, what controller action performs? What is the corresponding Rake route for this action?
  3. What is a routing helper method? Gives 3 examples.
  4. If tweets#create and tweets#index have the same routing helper, how are they routed to different controller actions?
  5. What is the difference between relative and absolute paths?
  6. What does redirecting achieve? Why don't we just use render "view"?
  7. What 3 ways do we pass in params?

E3: Building Meowbook by Hand

Today, your learned how to use forms in your application. In this application, a form is used to make new posts. Extend your meowbook app from yesterday to add this functionality.


Keep working on your projects! The exercises matter, but please take some time today to sit down with your teammate and hash out your proposal. Make sure you meet with Micah at some point tomorrow to discuss it, especially the Code section.

Happy Weekend? :/