Homework for 11B


Topics Covered: Authentication


E1: Revise Meowbook!!

Use Devise to add user accounts and authentication to your meowbook. Make it so anyone can view all the tweets, but only an authenticated kitty can add and delete posts if logged in. Note: As you saw in class today that Devise generates User models and migrations for you, you'll have to destroy and regenerate the User model, or modify it significantly and write new migrations! (which isn't the recommended way)


Customize Devise to get rid of the "forgot password?" and "remember me?" links.


Some of you may be starting to think about how close your final presentations are. Next week Friday means you have 9 days to complete your projects, right? Technically yes, but this should not be your timeline.

You are going to run into problems as you continue building, such is the nature of coding. If you don't account for these inevitable issues by budgeting time into your schedule, you will not finish on time. You should plan on having a completed product by Wednesday, August 6th, at the latest. That way, you have at least two day buffer to deal with bugs.

Over the next few days you're going to be getting fewer exercises so that you can focus on your projects. As always, if you need any help with your projects, or just want someone to bounce ideas off, don't hesitate to ask Micah, a TA, or even the Session 2 students.