Homework for 12B

Topics Covered: Seeding Data, Paginations


E1: Seeding Meowbook

Adding users and posts to our website in the terminal, or individually from our website, can be pretty laborious. A much better way to pre-populate the data that we want to exist in production for our site is to use the seeds.rb file. Add some users and posts to Meowbook in the db/seeds.rb file of Meowbook. To add the new data, simply run with rake db:seed.

E2: Kitties need some searching. Too many posts - meaaaroaaroww

For this exercise, you need to implement the Pagination functionlity for your Kitty's purrings. Go ahead and add a Search bar on your /posts URL so that a Kitty can search through her posts. Hint: Follow the Pagination tutorial from lecture this afternoon and/or refer to Micah's code along on Github. Make sure to use the Kaminari gem. :)


Please take some time to check in with Micah and the TA's throughout the evening today. Let's keep going!!