Homework for 11


Problem Statement

How many rands have you spent while in Cape Town?

If you answered "I have no idea." this app we're building today is for you! We will be building an app that will keep track of your spending, which will involve a lot of the gems we've learned about today.

Project Description


Your app will have two models: User and Expenditure, where a user will have many expenditures. Remember that part of the Devise installation process involves creating a User model, and you will need to add the association afterwards!

Think about what attributes you need for expenditures: you will at least want to keep track of the name of the thing you bought and the price. What other info might be important?

The gems you will be required to use are Devise, Omniauth, and Paperclip. Use Devise and Omniauth to implement user authentication into your app. Use Paperclip to upload an image of the object purchased.

You will want to at minimum include views for logging in, creating/editing a new expenditure, showing a single expenditure, and displaying all of a user's expenditures. Your app will need the above functionality, as well as the ability to delete an expenditure.

