Turn in your project the same way you turned in Lekker Plekke. Create the app in your iXperience folder (not inside of session0202_exercises) and initialize a new git repository. Connect your local repo to a new GitHub repo and push your code. When your app is complete, share the link via Piazza.
Your app can have whatever content you like, as long as it meets these simple requirements:
Group 1 Rachel & Chris
Group 2 Khangwelo & Jessie
Group 3 Leila & Tebogo
Group 4 Robert K & Amanda
Group 5 Melissa & Sarah
Group 6 Robert L & Rebecca
Group 7 Isabel & Daniel
Group 8 Julianne & Praise
Group 9 Sammy & Emily
Group 10 Annelie & Julian
Group 11 Tali & Josh
Group 12 Alec & Richard
include the twitter bootstrap rails gem in your Gemfile
gem "twitter-bootstrap-rails"
run bundle
in your terminal
run the generator in your terminal rails generate bootstrap:install static
You're done. Now checkout getbootstrap or youtube for tutorials on how to use Bootstrap (don't worry if you don't get it, Ian will be giving a lecture soon on how to use Bootstrap).