Homework for 6A


Topics Covered: introduction to rails


Note: All exercises must live inside of your session0202_exercises/firstname_lastname/d6 folder

While inside of your session0202_exercises directory, you can git add . then git commit -m "Helpful commit message here" and git push origin master to submit your homework to GitHub. (Don't forget to use git status along the way to check the state of your files in git)


Complete the lab from class today! Try to write down questions as comments inline if any come up. Commit and push the lab to Github under your d6/blog folder.


Create a file called answers.md in your day6 folder to answer the following questions. Feel free to include images as well as text (Google how to do this in Markdown). Even if you're not sure about the answer, try your best! Feel free to write any lingering questions you have in the same file.

Conceptual Questions

Code Questions

# app.rb

require 'sinatra'

get '/' do
  erb :index

get '/heroes' do
  @heroes = ["Batman", "Superman", "Rogue", "Wolverine"]
  erb :heroes

get '/heroes/:hero' do
  heroes = {
            "Batman" => "batarang",
            "Superman" => "strength",
            "Rogue" => "flying",
            "Wolverine" => "claws"
  @hero = params[:hero]
  @superpower = heroes[@hero]
  erb :hero


Grab a partner, choose a topic we learned about today, and come up with a 60 second(ish) presentation worthy of the showing your fellow bru-sciples! We have some topics below for inspiration, but if you have a particular affinity to another topic, run it by Erica or Ian!



If you think have a solid handle on everything, build another rails app with 1 model, and see what you can do!

Congrats on your first day of Rails!! Code on, brus.