Homework for 11


Complete Exit Ticket: http://ix-exit-tickets.herokuapp.com/

Postgres Installation

Before tomorrow's class, make sure you have Postgres installed. Please follow the Quick Installation guide to download it. In order to use command line tools, please refer to this resource to configure your bash profile.

To check if you have Postgres installed, on the command line, type:

$ which psql

You should get a response like:


Exercise: Complete the App

In your terminal, while inside your ixperience folder, run:

$ git clone https://github.com/ericadu/ix_y02s03_brubudget.git

Please read the README to learn more about what the BruBudget app does. Then, create user accounts and implement authentication for the app by using the Devise gem you learned about in class. Feel free to use Ian's lecture notes as reference.

As a suggested bonus, implement the appropriate associations between User and Expenditure such that a user has_many expenditures and an expenditure belongs_to a user, and a user can only CRUD his or her own expenditures. Edit the controllers, models, and views to reflect this change.

As a completely optional bonus, install Bootstrap. You can refer to the notes in Lekker Plekke.

Great work! Now add and commit your work then push it to GitHub :)