Homework for 8A


Complete Exit Ticket: http://ix-exit-tickets.herokuapp.com/

Topics Covered: Rails basics: MVC, Routes  


Rails Navigation with the Treasure Hunt App

We need to clone the treasure_hunt repository. In your terminal, navigate to your ixperience folder (outside of the s0203_exercises directory) and paste the following code:

git clone https://github.com/nax3t/treasure_hunt.git

Now cd into the treasure_hunt folder and navigate through it in sublime (subl .) to complete the assignment.

Grab your treasure map! Navigate through this app and answer the questions below:

Submit your answers to GitHub as a markdown file inside of your d8 folder inside of s0203_exercises/firstname_lastname

  1. How many routes does this project have? (rake routes will not work for those of you who don't have postgres installed yet)
  2. How many models?
  3. How many controllers?
  4. Where does the CRUD logic take place?
  5. Which view allows us to create a new treasure?
  6. Which view allows us to comment on an existing treasure?
  7. Which view is our home page?
  8. Which view lists all the treasures?
  9. Which attributes belong to treasures? And comments?
  10. Which file displays the attributes for each model?

The working app can be viewed live here

Great work! Now add and commit your work then push it to GitHub :)