Homework for 9


Complete Exit Ticket: http://ix-exit-tickets.herokuapp.com/

Exercise: Fill in the blanks app

  1. Clone (git clone) this app to your ixperience folder.
  2. cd into fill_in_the_blanks and run bundle
  3. Oh no! One of your gems has gone rogue! Find it and remove it. While you're there, add the pry-rails gem to your app. Which group block does this gem go inside?
  4. Run bundle again
  5. Run rails server
  6. Navigate to localhost:3000 in your browser. What does the error indicate?
  7. Run the proper command to resolve the error.
  8. Run rails server again, is localhost:3000 working? Read the new error then continue on to step 9...
  9. There's a controller already made for you (not application_controller), navigate to that controller and inspect the name, what's wrong with it? (Think convention) Find the problem and correct it.
  10. Navigate to your routes and fix the code there to resolve the error from your browser (Hint: It has to do with your root).
  11. Your controller has all of your CRUD actions and a private method for whitelisting, but they're empty. We'll fill them out as we move through the following steps, use the comments inside of the actions as guidelines.
  12. Create corresponding views for each of your actions.
  13. Which actions do we not create views for? Why?
  14. Navigate to localhost:3000/posts/new in your browser
  15. Oh no, we get an error! What does the error indicate? How can we fix it?
  16. Create routes for your posts. Does the error go away?
  17. We have some seeded data already in the app, where is it located? What command do we run to seed the data?
  18. Run the seed command in your terminal.
  19. Now we have some seed data, how can we get that data to display on our index view?
  20. Fill in the code to have our posts display properly.
  21. We want to add some more posts, edit your new view and the corresponding _form partial to allow creation of new posts via a form.
  22. What other files do we need to fill in before the new form will work properly? Be sure to add validations to the Post model.
  23. Go back to your posts_controller and fill in the corresponding actions to allow creation and viewing of a Post.
  24. Now we want to go back and edit one of our existing posts. Fill in the corresponding view and actions to make this work.
  25. Almost done! Add a button next to each Post that allows us to destroy that post.


Your app should:

Push this app to a new public repo in your GitHub called fill_in_the_blanks then submit the link via Piazza

Don't remember how to make a new GitHub repo? Click here for instructions

Note: Since the app you cloned already has a remote repo, you will have to reset your remote url by using the following command in the terminal while inside of your fill_in_the_blanks directory: git remote set-url origin <paste new url here>

Great work! Now add and commit your work then push it to GitHub :)