Homework for 14B


Topics covered: Design principles, Twitter Bootstrap


E1: Finish Pinterest

If you haven't already, finish pinterest up to adding Devise and Paperclip. Follow the video and/or notes if you find them useful. This will be your last chance to work on a sample project before you get started on your real project—do you best to understand all the stuff you feel uncomfortable with.

E2: Project Research Document

Follow this template to create your PRD. Create it in a Google doc, title it "<your code name> PRD" and share with rafi@ixperience.co.za and salman@ixperience.co.za. You'll probably need to split up the work to get done in time, but the good news is, most of this work you've done already :)

  1. The code name (or real name!) of your app
  2. All the team members
  3. The problem you're tackling (100 words)
  4. A brief description of your proposed product (100 words)
  5. A summary of your user interviews (who you talked to) and how they influenced your thinking (300 words)
  6. An overview of your market research, competing products, and how your app is different (300 words)
  7. An outline of your models, their attributes, and their relationships
  8. An itemized list of specific features for your app, who on your team will be in charge of building that feature, and the proposed due date for that feature.
    • Use your best guess for the amount of time a feature will take; you know yourselves and your coding abilities the best. However, push yourself!
    • You don't necessarily need to build your whole app—tackle a manageable part.
    • Aim to be done with your app by next Thursday morning
  9. At least two detailed mockups of different pages in your application. They can be hand-drawn and photographed, or digitally made with Illustrator/Sketch/other. In either case, please include them in the body of the Google Doc.

E3: Prepare the Pitch

Think about the stuff you're going to say in your pitch tomorrow. We'll use the morning to build slides, rehearse, etc.