Topics covered: Design principles, Twitter Bootstrap
E1: Finish Pinterest
If you haven't already, finish pinterest
up to adding Devise and Paperclip. Follow the video and/or notes if you find them useful. This will be your last chance to work on a sample project before you get started on your real project—do you best to understand all the stuff you feel uncomfortable with.
E2: Project Research Document
Follow this template to create your PRD. Create it in a Google doc, title it "<your code name> PRD" and share with and You'll probably need to split up the work to get done in time, but the good news is, most of this work you've done already :)
- The code name (or real name!) of your app
- All the team members
- The problem you're tackling (100 words)
- A brief description of your proposed product (100 words)
- A summary of your user interviews (who you talked to) and how they influenced your thinking (300 words)
- An overview of your market research, competing products, and how your app is different (300 words)
- An outline of your models, their attributes, and their relationships
- An itemized list of specific features for your app, who on your team will be in charge of building that feature, and the proposed due date for that feature.
- Use your best guess for the amount of time a feature will take; you know yourselves and your coding abilities the best. However, push yourself!
- You don't necessarily need to build your whole app—tackle a manageable part.
- Aim to be done with your app by next Thursday morning
- At least two detailed mockups of different pages in your application. They can be hand-drawn and photographed, or digitally made with Illustrator/Sketch/other. In either case, please include them in the body of the Google Doc.
E3: Prepare the Pitch
Think about the stuff you're going to say in your pitch tomorrow. We'll use the morning to build slides, rehearse, etc.
- What's your story? Remember a story has characters with problems. Maybe use something you found in your user interviews.
- Use your story to describe your problem. What's your problem?
- What's your solution? At a high level, what does your app do?
- Use your mockups to mock a demo.
- Usually technical details like models/controllers don't go in a pitch.