Homework for 13B


Tonight, we will finish up our BruBudget and BruGram apps, and work in groups. In your groups, first, make sure that everyone is caught up with the MVP of both apps. Refer to Exercises 11 and Exercises 12 for reference.

Then, each person must implement a different Bootstrap theme on one of the two apps. Refer to Ian's morning lecture on Bootstrap themes to help you out.

In your config/environments/production.rb file, add the following lines:

config.cache_classes = true
config.serve_static_assets = true
config.assets.compile = true
config.assets.digest = true

Then, each person must push their app to Heroku.

What to Turn In

On Piazza, have one group member post a note with a markdown file attachment that includes the following information:

  1. Names of all group members
  2. Links to all heroku apps
  3. Challenges you ran into + things you're proud of
  4. Questions you still have about Rails
  5. List of 7 Final Project Ideas (at least 1 idea per person)


Group 1 Sammy & Julianne & Melissa & Tebogo & Julian

Group 2 Emily & Chris & Rebecca & Therveshan

Group 3 Amanda & Josh & Leila & Richard

Group 4 Robert L & Khangwelo & Sarah & Daniel

Group 5 Annelie & Alec & Isabel & Jessie

Group 6 Robert K & Tali & Rachel & Praise