Homework for 14A


Topics Covered: Working with APIs


Only attempt this project if you have finished previous days' homework. If you have not finished BruGram or BruBudget, please finish those apps for today's homework. As always, please reach out to Ian or Erica if you want extra clarification on a concept or would like to walk through a Rails App together.

Project: API FUN (Optional)

Today, we're handing the reigns to you! Explore the internet for cool APIs that you can find. Googling will get you far, but you'll probably end up at mashape.com, which has a huge repository of cool APIs to check out. Sign up for an account by signing in with your Github account, and start seeing which ones you can combine to come up with something cool. Examples of other APIs are the New York Times, Twitter, The United Nations, Facebook, Instagram, the World Bank...most any public data you can think of, there's a free API that will make it available to you.

Think about a problem you can solve, or something cool you can show by combining two or more of the APIs. Once you have an idea, run it by one of the teachers. We'll help you scope it so you can get it done in the time we have, and then follow the steps below.

Step 1: F

F is for friends, who code stuff together. Pick a partner you have not worked with yet. Together, think of a cool use of one of the APIs we've learned, or find some others.

Step 2: U

U is for u and me. To work together, we'll need a way to collaborate. For this project, we'll do partner coding, so choose a computer that you want to work on! If you want to practice collaborating, feel free to use a shared Github repository instead.

Step 3: N

N is for 'n' get to work! Read the documentation before you get started. 15 minutes here could save you hours later. Spec out, plan and pseudo-code your project. Divide up the tasks and write the code.