How to create a new GitHub repo

  1. Go to and click the + icon from the top right hand corner of the page
  2. Click New repository
  3. Name your repository using snake_case (i.e., my_app_name)
  4. Write a brief description of the app
  5. Leave the repo set to public
  6. Click Create repository
  7. Copy the https url (or ssh depending on your local setup) from the input box
  8. Navigate to your local app in your terminal
  9. Follow these steps to setup your local repo:
    • git init (skip this step if you've already git init'd)
    • git status
    • git add <file name or . for all files>
    • git status
    • git commit -m "first commit"
    • git remote add origin <paste git url from step 7>
    • git push -u origin master
  10. If you already have a remote set, but want to change the url to a new repo:
    • git remote set-url origin <paste git url from step 7>