Homework for 13


Complete Exit Ticket: http://ix-exit-tickets.herokuapp.com/

It's almost final project time! As extra review, take a look at the resources on the bottom of the Course Page. If you have any questions about Github, Rails or Heroku, now is the time to ask Ian or Erica. In particular, check out the following resources:




If you haven't already, implement the association between expenditures and users. Then, implement authorization such that a user can only update, create, and delete his or her own expenditures, but can view everyone else's expenditures. Refer to Brian's morning lecture for reference.

Optional: API Fun

Choose any API and integrate it into BruBudget. Explore the internet for cool APIs that you can find. Googling will get you far, but you'll probably end up at mashape.com, which has a huge repository of cool APIs to check out. Sign up for an account by signing in with your Github account, and start seeing which ones you can combine to come up with something cool. Examples of other APIs are the New York Times, Twitter, The United Nations, Facebook, Instagram, the World Bank...most any public data you can think of, there's a free API that will make it available to you.

Final Project

Finalize project partners tonight, and start brainstorming project ideas. Groups of 3 are discouraged, and must be approved. For tonight, we recommend coming up with at least 7 possible project ideas, and narrowing down to your 2-3 best ideas from there so you can begin working on your project proposals tomorrow night.

Weeklong Project

Continue working on BruGram!