Teacher Tips for Demoing

Congratulations on some amazing demos! We are truly blown away by what you guys have built in just three and a half weeks of coding, and believe you have every reason to be proud. The demo is the culmination of your hard work, and we want to make sure every group best showcases the thought, effort, and brute-force-hard-work they've put in.

Tell a Story

All good demos tell a story that relates to the audience. Make the demo about them, not you.
You'll have 5 minutes + 1-2 minutes for questions.

  1. 15 seconds: Introduce yourselves—you guys are characters in the story, too.
  2. ~1 minute: Introduce the problem that you guys are tackling. Why should the audience care? How does it effect them?
    • Recount some stories from your user interviews!
  3. ~1 minute: Describe your solution at a high level, and why it solves the problem for the user, NOT why you thought of it.
  4. ~3-4 minutes: Get to the demo quickly—it's what you've spent the most time on.
    • Walk through the user's workflow, not a laundry list of features
    • Pick features unique to your app to show off. Just because you spent hours on it doesn't mean it makes it into the demo!
    • Show it fully, or don't show it at all. If you show something, give the audience time to process it and understand it. But keep in mind that some features (like login) don't have to be explained—respect their intelligence and let your app speak for itself.
    • Highlight the critical features, even if you think they're obvious.
  5. ~30-60 seconds: (Optional) briefly mention future plans for your app.
  6. (Not optional) End clearly, preferably with a bang and/or a "Thank you".

Be Legit

Take yourselves and your app seriously.

  1. In your demo, no "sample data"—everything should be real data you want on your app.
  2. Don't have placeholder images, cat images, or other distracting images/videos. All text should be legible.

Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse

Practice perfect makes perfect. You only have 1 shot.

Sieze the Moment

This is your chance to show off your hard work, and you don't get a stage to yourself often. Be enthusiastic, be proud, and take advantage of the opportunity!

On the same token, make sure to support your friends with the same enthusiasm you'd want them to show you :)

Good luck!

♥ Rafi and Salman